Rosalind W. Picard, Sc.D., FIEEE
Director of Affective Computing Research
Faculty Chair, MIT Mind+Hand+Heart
Fall 2018 Roundtables have been scheduled!
12pm Monday, October 1st – more details here.
6:00pm Monday, November 12th – more details here.
C.S. Lewis coming to Brown on Sept. 28th
The Brown University C.S. Lewis Inklings Society is excited to work with the Fellowship of Performing Arts to bring “The Most Reluctant Convert” to Brown University’s Campus. Reserve tickets here.
Using C.S. Lewis’ own words, award-winning actor Max McLean brings the brilliant Oxford Don to life, taking us on his extraordinary journey from hard-boiled atheist to “the most reluctant convert in all England”…only to become the most influential Christian writer of the 20th century. Here is a link to a trailer, with some audience reactions thrown in!
The play will take place on September 28 at 8pm in Salomon 101. Tickets are free, and details on how to register and when to pick them up can be found at
How do participants describe their roundtable experience?
Prof. Ken Miller responds to participants’ questions
Prof. Ken Miller was gracious enough to briefly respond to participants’ questions submitted in the online feedback survey for our event on March 7, 2018: “The Human Instinct: How We Evolved to Have Reason, Consciousness, and Free Will”.
Click here for your questions and his answers.
Thank you for another great roundtable event!
You can review the presentation slides here from last night. And don’t forget to fill out the feedback survey by 5pm Friday, March 9th to be eligible for a free copy of Ken Miller’s book when it comes out next month.
Spring 2018 Roundtables are scheduled!
Click here to register for our first one, a luncheon on Feb. 13th.
Registration for the March 7th dinner event will be available Feb. 7th.
Save the Dates! Next roundtable events on Feb. 13 and March 7
Interesting event on Dec. 4 – “Are We More Than Our Genes?”
Next major Roundtable event – Thursday, Oct. 26th
Registration open now! More details about this next event here.